Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Self Portrait Tuesday: Personal History (Brother)

This month's SPT theme is Personal History. When I think of my own history I get nervous that I have history.....and then I start to freak out that I'm getting older and life is short and I haven't done everything I wanted to do and and and........

JoAnna and Andy
(click picture to see larger version - it's worth it)

One giant factor of my personal history is my brother, Drew. I think we had just opened presents and we were showing them off. I got a Cookie Monster t-shirt and Strawberry Shortcake knee socks (my FAVORITE socks and t-shirt for years)and Drew got the horse and little chair. He was always the ham, and I was always the giggly sidekick, even though I'm much older. I think that's still true today. People who think I'm funny - have never met my brother Drew. The true comic of our family. The one that keeps us in stitches. The person I've always loved and always admired and always felt free to torture mercilessly. My main childhood annoyance and my main childhood friend. Everyone should have such a brother.

And just to prove that he is the funny one, this is how he showed up to family Christmas this year:

Cousin Eddie

Yes...green dickey under a white sweater with tight green pants and white shoes. Cousin Eddie at his finest. I thought my mom would choke she was laughing so hard.

Other Self Portraits here.