Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Dead Relatives

Why is that every random person in your life comes out of the woodwork when you set the wedding date. Ryan and I were reveiwing our growing guest list today, looking over the names his mom sent over, when he shouted, "I thought they were dead!". Relatives we've never heard of are "so excited about the wedding and can't wait to come!". Why is it that when you throw an inexpensive party and invite everyone including your weird half-friends, 80% respond with "no thanks I'm bored" but when you have a wedding that costs more than your first year of college, dead relatives that are apparently still breathing hop on the next flight? The food for our wedding costs more per person than any dinner Ryan and I would ever eat, and we're buying dinner for people we don't even know. AND we have a "tight" guest list. What if we actually invited all of our friends? What if we invited everyone who has casually mentioned "can't wait to get my invite!" or "I'll be there with bells on!"? It makes me squirm and look in the opposite direction and eventually just run away. We decided that maybe we should include our bank deposit number on the invites. Or the RSVP card should be a money envelope.