Monday, June 19, 2006


So the other night Ryan and I walked out the front door to take Minnie for a walk. Before I took one step onto the porch, I saw it. The biggest, most disgusting HUGE LARGE spider. It was enourmous and pulsating and threatening. I screamed for Ryan to step on it immediately. He hesitated. I shrieked that I DID NOT WANT THAT THING IN MY HOUSE. So he stomped on it and in that moment...

...wait for it...

.....THOUSANDS of teeny tiny baby spiders shot out from the squashed guts of the Giant Spider from Hell and ran all over the porch in every direction. I am not exagerating when I say that I nearly vomitted and passed out all at once. It was terrifying and disgusting and unreal. U-N-R-E-A-L.

And The Duck didn't even flinch. He's brave.

(P.S. New digs thanks to Heather. It's good to have friends in tech places, ya'll.)