Friday, May 05, 2006


It's true that in the past few weeks I've been on the computer more than I have been in the past year. And I have a new dog. A new cute dog who loves to play and snuggle. A new dog who tries to jump into my lap everytime I'm on the computer. I've been working on my book so I've had to say no many many times and tell her to get down. Every time she looks sad and walks away slowly turning her face back to me to make sure I know just how cute she is. To make sure I know what a mean Mommy I am to refuse to play with her, constantly typing words words words. And I know just how cute she is....but the work. The work!

I've suspected her jealousy of the computer, her need for my attention. How wrong I was. My dog didn't want my attention, she wanted her turn with the ibook. Today I got home and found her like this:


What was she doing on the computer you ask? Creating this. Apparently she's on a quest to become the most popular dog on the World Wide Web. Even as I write this, she's staring at me waiting for her turn.