Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I Have a New Love

When I was a young girl I loved sugar cookies - the kind with the hole in the middle. You could wear them like a ring feeling glamorous while turning and nibbling. When I think of these cookies I think of Sunday school and Vacation Bible school. Fun little cookies for fun little girls.

When I got a little older I loved chocolate oatmeal cookies. I would make them with my mom - and they were the one thing I was allowed to make by myself. I loved stirring the melty chocolate with the oatmeal flakes. I loved dropping them onto the cookie sheet and waiting for them to cool. I always made them for Santa. And I always made one special cookie that was bigger than the rest hoping I would get it. It usually went to my dad.

And I love fudge stripe cookies. And I love Chips Ahoy. And I love peanut butter cookies and oatmeal cookies and snickerdoodles and chocolate grahams. But I'll tell ya, there is one cookie that reigns supreme. One cookie that trumps all cookie tastes and cookie memories. One cookie that literally has power over me. The Girl Scout Samoa. Good Grief this cookie is amazing. I could literally eat them until I vomited. I have not actually done this, but I could. I would. Thankfully I didn't discover the Girl Scout Samoa until I was a mature adult and knew that vomiting cookies would only ruin my love of them. And I love them. They are my most favorite. MOST. FAVORITE.

Until today.

Today, I discovered a cookie that makes even the beloved Samoa shudder in fear. A cookie so perfect, so utterly delicious, that other cookies are jumping from glass ledges to their milky deaths. A cookie that might overtake my entire life. A cookie I could quit my job for. A cookie I would steal for. The cookie of my dreams.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Internet, I give you.....The Peanut Butter Oreo (Double Stuffed).

New Love

And speaking of things that could cause me to be forced into Sugar Rehab by loving family members....have you seen this? I mean, really, have you SEEN this?

Are You Kidding Me?

Samoas Ice Cream? Peanut Butter Oreos?

Helpful Hint: Crumble up the PB Oreos into the Samoas ice cream. Unzip jeans. Enjoy.