Thursday, January 11, 2007

This Year I'm Going as a Big Time Author

Several weeks ago I was talking with a guy in my office and he mentioned that he had heard a rumor that I wrote a book. Indeed, I said, I did. He asked a few questions about it and then asked the obvious...are you going to write another one? I then explained that I wrote a new manuscript and right about the same time I turned it in my publisher dumped me. Man, I loved telling that story again. Guy at Work mentioned that he knew a agent. Ok, I said. I could contact him for you, he said. Ok, I said. Given the amount of disappointment I've been through this year...I wasn't expecting much. I figured Guy at Work would forget he even mentioned it. But he didn't. Several weeks later he copied me on an email exchange between he and The Agent. Guy at Work had emailed The Agent and said lots of nice things about me - which surprised me. The Agent emailed back saying he'd be willing to talk to me - which surprised me more.

I should say - The Agent is pretty much the agent of the least as far as Christian authors go. There is not one reason I can see that he would ever feel any need whatsoever to talk to little 'ole me. Author of One Book that Failed. But today, The Agent to the Stars, emailed me and said he was in town...and wanted to meet. Me. He wanted to meet me. Ok, I said.

Soooo....The Agent came to my office. We talked for an hour. He gave me loads of advice and insight and at one point he said, "I read your book excerpt on and I really enjoyed it....I saw some talent there". (Huh?) Then he said, "I'd like for you to send me and my partner a copy of your first book and a copy of your working manuscript...then we can go from there". (Whaaa?) I tried to act cool and nonchalant, like this news had no effect on me. But it made me want to vomit.

I have a hard time thinking of myself as an "author". Sometimes my friends will introduce me to someone new as JoAnna the Author and it makes me feel ridiculous. Like Dwight Schrute telling people he's the Assistant Regional Manager. Like it's my Halloween costume. There I was, talking to an agent who works with giant talents, feeling like my cover was about to be blown.

By the way - I told this man, this man who could quite literally change my writing hobby into a writing career.....that I based a lot of my story line on the book of Habakkuk. That I did hours of research on Habakkuk and wrote for hours and hours about Habakkuk. That me and Habakkuk....we were tight. Then, after The Agent I looked through my manuscript before I emailed it to him....I saw it.

My book is based on Hosea.

I am SO landing this deal.