Monday, August 06, 2007

Today We Will Be Serving Perspective with a side of Some People Have It Worse

It’s supposed to be 100 degrees today. And in case you need a reminder, I live in the Humidity of the Humidishly Humid South. It’s hot ya’ll. Saturday I was in my yard pulling weeds for about 10 minutes and I thought I might have to burn the clothes I was wearing, I got THAT sweaty. When I got in my car at lunch today my steering wheel had been replaced with a burning ring of fire. I immediately turned on the air conditioning at major full blast and pointed it directly at my face. And armpits. And the air didn't get cool until I parked my car. All anyone can talk about today is how hot it is and how the heat! It’s so hot! And oh my! I might die! From the heat!

Then I got an email from my friend Earl Pinkston. Earl is married to my friend Robin and they are missionaries living in the tiny island country of Malta – located in the Mediterranean Sea. Robin just had a baby this weekend, her third. Here is a direct quote from Earl’s email:

Please continue to remember Robin as she remains in the hospital for another five days recovering from the c-section. Pray for cool breezes (as there is no air conditioning in the hospital)...


Go ahead and think about that for thirty seconds. Then tell me what you come up with because I cannot even think about it at all.