Tuesday, May 31, 2005


My Fabulous Friend AJ mentioned cooking on her blog, and I thought I would chime in with my own thoughts on cooking. I’ve been on my own now for 13 years. In that time, I think I’ve managed to cook about 8 times, give or take 5 or 6. My reason for the scarcity isn’t lack of want, it’s the lack of mouths to feed. It’s impossible to cook for one. Yes, I know there are many cookbooks touting the joy of cooking for one, but I don’t buy it. So, for thirteen years, I’ve been poking-holes-in-the-wrapper-heating-up or eating out. But now I have a husband (or will in 34 days) and a kitchen. My kitchen. An entire kitchen that’s ALL MINE (insert arched eyebrows and villainous laugh). Since the kitchen became officially mine, I’ve thought of little else than stocking it to the brim with every pot and gadget and wooden spoon known to Bed Bath and Beyond. I think about things I could cook. I think about a whole pantry that’s ALL MINE. I think about baking and creating and sautéing. It’s almost overwhelming. I don’t want to eat out anymore (me, the girl who loves French fries like a shark loves innocent flesh), I want to COOK! And while I’m not a chef yet, even heating up soup in a pan brings a quiver to my lip. Because I’m heating up soup in my pan on my stove in my kitchen. And while this might make me sound like a 2 year old taking possession of all the toys in the toy box, I don’t care. Because I love to cook Kraft macaroni and cheese for my hot fiancé on a Monday night! (Can I get a witness??)