Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Flavor

We all know I've been dried up lately as far as words go.....but I feel the need to write something so that "Screech Sex Tape" doesn't remain at the top of my blog.


So...I will now tell you five weird things that I've seen or heard lately.

Weird Thing #1. Today I heard about a firsthand story about a guy who said the following: I love books. When I go into a bookstore, I feel so comfortable that I just have to poop. I read books when I poop.

Weird Thing #2. Episode #2 of Heroes on NBC. The gore. The horrifying gore! So, it's definitely not ok to show a bare breast for all of .05 seconds but it's definitely very ok to show horrifying graphic frightening gore on a show that appeals to little kids. Uh-huh.

Weird Thing #3. Minnie Dog trying on her Halloween costume.

Weird Thing #4. My bathroom scale when it read that I'm fifteen pounds skinnier than I was mere weeks ago.

Weird Thing #5. New York's Mom.

(Secret message to those of you who got Weird Thing #5: I KNOW RIGHT????? And I love you for knowing. Serious love. NEW YORK love. Okaaaaayyyyy???)