Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Self Portrait Tuesday: Why I Suck

This month I have basically let SPT fall by the wayside. Things around Illingworth Manor have been too traumatic for me to try and post photos of myself in an unflattering light. Besides, don't I do that enough with my words? I see that next month's theme is something about documenting yourself every day, and people, I might have to skip that one as well. Who has the time? My deadline to get my manuscript to the publisher is a mere five weeks away and I only have one chapter finished. So, fellow SPT cohorts, I love you....I love your photos....I love your stories. Please stand by while I get my life in order. And please keep making me laugh/think/cry. You are fun/smart/a gift.

In other news: I'm having another "procedure" on Thursday. Another round of privacy invasion. Another IV. Hopefully not another "everything looks good" which really means "we can't find anything wrong with you so maybe you should see a head doctor cause girl YOU CRAZY". This issue that I'm dealing with is WEARING ME DOWN. To the secret tiny core that even I can't see. So, please pray for me on Thursday. I know I've almost reached my yearly quota for prayer requests and it's only February...but I'm asking nonetheless. And thanks. And tomorrow is March. And today I drove to lunch with my sunroof open. And Deal or No Deal is back on. And Jack Bauer is still king. And Travis picked Sarah. Things are looking up.